Coastal Restoration and Preservation

Director Mart Black, FAICP


Coastal Zone Management and Restoration Advisory Committee (CZMRAC)

Current Members:

Earnest Babin Jr. – Chairman
Jeff DeBlieux

Mickey Thomas – Vice-Chairman
Merlin Lirette

Anthony Antill
Matt Benoit

Jordan Lirette
Jan Rogers

Barry Soudelier

For more information on our committee members, click here.

The Terrebonne Parish Coastal Zone Management & Restoration Advisory Committee is composed of nine (9) members serving two- (2) year terms that represent a great a variety of the geographic and socio economic interests to ensure that the citizens of Terrebonne Parish are represented. Six (6) of these members represent specific interests of the Parish Community. Three (3) members are "at-large" members representing no specific group or interest. Five (5) members are chosen and ratified by the Parish Council from submitted nominations. Two (2) members are directly appointed by the Parish President. The CZMRAC elects its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Chairman has authority to appoint sub-committees of both CZMRAC and non-committee members.

The CZMRAC is composed of the following nine (9) members:

  • Council Appointments:
    1. A member representing the commercial fishing industry
    2. A member representing the recreational fishing industry
    3. A member representing the property owners and developers of Terrebonne Parish from nominations of local property owners and developers and/or members of the Terrebonne Parish Council.
    4. A member representing the oil industry from nominations submitted by South Central Industrial Association (S.C.I.A.) and/or members of the Terrebonne Parish Council.
    5. A member representing the marine navigation industry from nominations submitted by the Chamber of Commerce and/or members of the Terrebonne Parish Council.
    6. An at-large member
    7. An at-large member
  • Parish President Appointments:
    1. An at-large member
    2. A member representing flood protection for Terrebonne Parish

The CZMRAC has the duty to:

  1. Review and comment upon any proposed rules and regulations impacting the coastal zone
  2. Recommend to the parish council any modifications to its related article in the Parish Code of Ordinances that may require state and federal approval
  3. Review and comment upon any coastal use permit at the request of the local administrator or any committee member
  4. Nominate a representative to hear appeals in accord with the Code of Ordinances
  5. Submit a regular report describing the activity of Terrebonne Parish's Coastal Zone Management Program to DNR secretary as required and make copies available to the public including the number, type and characteristics of Coastal Use Permit applications, decisions, appeals, variances, enforcement actions, and problem areas in the Terrebonne Parish Coastal Zone Management Program for the past year and proposed changes in the state or local coastal zone management program
  6. (Has the capacity to) direct the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government CZM Office to initiate a Terrebonne Parish Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Fund
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