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Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


New FEMA Funding Approach May Help Local Hospitals

Thursday July 02, 2020 01:22 pm - 2743 Views - Posted By Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning
New FEMA Funding Approach May Help Local Hospitals

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities

New FEMA Funding Approach May Help Local Hospitals


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is kicking off a new program this fall called BRIC, or Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities.  This program focuses on seven lifelines and seeks to achieve safety prior to an event rather than fixing it afterwards.  Attached is a new fact sheet from FEMA called Strengthening Medical Lifelines with Hazard Mitigation.  Eligible HMGP projects are available on a competitive basis like Flood Control Systems, Seismic Retrofits, Wind Retrofits, Safe Rooms internal to the buildings, Wind Shelters and Generators.  Other options may  include the elevation of current generators, or renovating to bring electrical equipment above the anticipated flood height.  The program is new, and FEMA is encouraging innovation beyond these historical project types if they will reduce the risk and support recovery in a cost effective manner.

Over the last 10 years, FEMA has obligated nearly $100 million for 84 projects to support health and medical care facilities. Investment in medical-related mitigation projects help reduce risk and ensures these important facilities can remain operational if impacted by natural hazards.  All applications will be submitted by the Parish or the State.

The overall BRIC program focuses on seven lifelines that may offer similar projects, and are targeted toward building resilient communities that can continue to be safe and recover quickly after events.  The lifelines are Health and Medical; Energy (Power and Fuel); Safety and Security; Communications; Food, Water, Sheltering; and Transportation; and Hazardous Materials.

This program will replace the previous Predisaster Mitigation program (PDM). The Parish has taken advantage of traditional PDM program projects such as home elevations, engineering assistance, and planning funding and support.  FEMA has stated that these project types will remain available under the new BRIC program as well.

For more information regarding help for hospitals, see the Fact Sheet attached, or go to or for program information. 


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  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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