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Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


Certification Of Public Emergency For Buquet Bridge

Friday May 31, 2013 01:23 pm - 2978 Views - Posted By Administration
Certification Of Public Emergency For Buquet Bridge

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (TPCG) CERTIFICATION OF PUBLIC EMERGENCY Executive Order BY ORDER OF THE OFFICE OF THE PARISH PRESIDENT OF TERREBONNE: WHEREAS, upon May 31st, 2013 inspection of the Buquet Bridge in lower Dulac , TPCG engineers determined there is significant structural damage to the bridge necessitating closure of the bridge to vehicular and marine traffic; and WHEREAS, the Buquet Bridge is currently experiencing structural issues that may affect the integrity of the entire bridge structure and the safety of workers and mariners; and the bridge provides access to an emergency evacuation route, necessary access to the lower reaches of the parish by seafood workers to processing plants and docks and for fire and emergency medical services; the bridge’s immediate return to service is necessary to avoid public safety issues arising as a result of the bridge’s closure to vehicular traffic; and WHEREAS, immediate action by the Parish of Terrebonne is mandatory to fulfill the needs of the people of this Parish until such time as the emergency has subsided; and therefore IT IS ORDERED, that all standard local and parish procurement procedures including the Public Bid law are suspended to ensure the health, safety, and welfare needs of the people and property of lower Terrebonne Parish; and THUS, IT IS ORDERED, that TPCG, via executive order declares that repairs to the Buquet Bridge proceed immediately to address this public emergency in accordance with the provisions of LARS 38:2212[D]. AT HOUMA, LOUISIANA, THIS _31_ DAY OF _MAY, 2013 AT 8:30 O’CLOCK A.M. /s/ Michel Claudet __________________________________ Michel Claudet Parish President NOTICE POSTED AT: Terrebonne Parish web-page: and 8026 Main Street, Suite 700 Houma, LA 70360 and the Official Journal for Terrebonne Parish

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Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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  • P. O. Box 2768
  • Houma, LA 70361
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