Tuesday May 16, 2017 12:44 am - 9810 Views - Posted By Solid Waste
Did you know that Solid Waste offers curbside bulky waste pickup for Terrebonne Parish residents?
To report online, visit tpcg.org/debrispickup. Fill in your contact information, the location and description of the debris, and click Continue. Follow the instructions on the next page to complete the process. Once submitted and reviewed by the staff, your pickup will be scheduled and listed on tpcg.org/debrisstatus.
Things we can pick up:
home project debris
vegetative debris (but not too much)
bagged leaves
Things we cannot pick up:
commercial construction and remodeling debris
remnants of land clearing or demolitions
unsolidified paint
motor oil
pool chemicals
propane tanks
automotive parts
Bulky waste cannot be picked up from commercial property, private streets, vacant lots, and sites of eviction. Check the tpcg.org/bulkywaste webpage or call the office if you are unsure about your debris.