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Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


Hazard Mitigation Plan - Meeting Open to the Public

Wednesday October 19, 2022 10:00 am - 4122 Views - Posted By Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning
Hazard Mitigation Plan - Meeting Open to the Public

Terrebonne Parish

Department of Planning and Zoning

Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning

FloodSafe Minute


Terrebonne Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2022

Steering Committee Meeting

Public Invited

October 28, 2022        10-12:30

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, at the Direction of Parish President Gordon E. Dove and with the support of the Parish Council, is updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. The last plan update was completed in 2020.  Since that time, the proposed new flood maps have been released for comment, and Hurricane Ida reminded us that wind is a serious threat along with flooding. 

The purpose of the plan update is to identify risks and vulnerabilities in the parish, identify the problems that we face, update our goals and objectives, and propose projects to reduce our losses in the future.  

During this session, the Steering Committee and anyone interested in participating will review the goals and objectives, and projects or programs that will reduce risk and increase resilience.  These projects will be ranked and prioritized based on criteria including urgency, feasibility, and cost effectiveness. 

The public is encouraged to attend this meeting. Please visit the Parish website for more information and resources. A copy of the current Hazard Mitigation Plan, past plans, studies, presentations from the previous meetings and a form to submit recommendations or comments are available on the website.

October 28, 2022



Terrebonne Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness

Joseph L. Waitz Building

101 Government Street

Gray, LA 70359

Please direct questions about the meeting or process to Jennifer Gerbasi at or 985-873-6565.


Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

  • P. O. Box 2768
  • Houma, LA 70361
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