Thursday February 23, 2023 02:40 pm - 4685 Views - Posted By Planning and Zoning
Terrebonne Parish is inviting the general public to a meeting to review the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for 2023 and provide comments, suggestions or concerns. The Parish has hosted a series of public meetings throughout 2022 A steering committee of stakeholders approved by the Council has directed the updates to the plans including the capture of critical facilities, the incorporation of the new floodmaps, and a review of the goals and objectives of the plan to meet current threats. Hazards have been updated to include extreme heat and cold, and the projects completed and proposed are being updated by category and specific projects. The presentation will highlight the process including the projected risks, vulnerabilities and goals and objectives of proposed remedies to be discussed and prioritized.
The Parish is holding a virtual public meeting to review the planning process and the Draft report. For those who prefer to meet in person, a room is reserved at the Main Library branch. The presentation will be virtual.
The Draft plan will be available for review in the attachment below. The presentations and notes from previous meetings are posted there now. Comments can be submitted at any time in the online form or emailing
For further information, please contact the Parish Recovery Assistance and Mitigation Planning Division of the Department of Planning and Zoning at 985-873-6565.