Terrebonne Parish Tree Board

Chairman Patrick Gordon


Terrebonne Parish Notable Tree Tours

In 2007, using post-Katrina federal funds, the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government undertook an inventory of the notable and significant trees in the parish. The Terrebonne Tree Board has updated information to bring awareness to the importance not only of the trees but also trees in storm water management and to provide references for selected trees thereby creating this inventory of notable trees.

These Terrebonne Parish Notable Tree Tours will provide education and enjoyment, not only for tourists, but also ‘local’ residents. Over several years with the help of residents and members of the Terrebonne Tree Board, we have put together information on many trees, we, as residents drive by every day without really noticing.

Each story is accessible online with QR codes as well as one for physical addresses. The web address QR code will be affixed to a travel tour brochure for ease of use. Access to Google Maps will take the viewer directly to the tree online via Google Maps. Another Story Code will take the viewer directly to the story of the specific Notable tree. Hyperlinks are included to provide viewer with a fuller picture of the life of the notable tree and its associated families.

Join us in seeing our notable trees in a new way. Please remember to respect the privacy of private tree and land owners as you tour. These trees are meant to be viewed via street side from your vehicle.

To view all 30 notable tree tour stories, click here.

08/30/2018 - Notable Tree Tours (0:03)

Check out this Virtual Tree Tour featuring 30 most notable tree sites in the parish.


  • (985) 873-6569
  • (985) 580-8141

Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Physical Address

  • Government Tower
  • 8026 Main Street, Suite 202
  • Houma, LA 70360

Mailing Address

  • P. O. Box 2768
  • Houma, LA 70361
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