Sec. 5-17. Proper Care of Animals.
Any person having charge, custody, or possession of any animal, either as owner or otherwise, shall provide it with proper food, proper water, proper shelter, proper space, proper veterinary care, and proper grooming.
- Proper food shall be wholesome, palatable, and free from contamination. Food shall be provided in a sanitary receptacle sufficient quantity with consideration of the age, species, condition, and size of animal a minimum of once a day except as directed by a veterinarian.
- Proper water shall be clean drinkable water provided in a sanitary receptacle of appropriate size and design which is affixed to prevent spills and made available as often as necessary for health and comfort to all animals which are in a climate controlled environment. Animals which are not in a climate controlled environment shall have proper water available at all times in a sanitary receptacle of appropriate size and design which are affixed to prevent spills. Exceptions shall only be allowed upon the recommendation of a licensed veterinarian.
- Proper shelter shall be well constructed with solid sides, bottom, and top with a doorway and be appropriate for the species, size, physical condition, and age of the animal to provide protection from the weather, i.e., wind, rain, sun or other inclement weather conditions. All animals shall have access to an adequate amount of shade from the sun during hot weather. When outdoor temperatures reach below thirty-two (32) degrees Fahrenheit, all domestic animals must be moved to an enclosed facility or be provided with heat. Proper shelter for enclosed facilities shall be adequately ventilated by natural and/or mechanical means or heated/cooled to provide for the health and well-being of the animal.
Proper space shall be given to all animals with consideration to the species, size, and age and must be useable, maintained, and free of standing water, accumulated waste and/or debris to allow for proper exercise and freedom of movement as necessary to maintain good physical condition. Unaltered domestic animals of the opposite sex shall not be housed together except in the cases where the owner has selected the animals for intentional breeding.
- Cage confinement of an animal that is abnormally restrictive shall only be acceptable for temporary confinement, be monitored to be kept free of urine and fecal matter, and allow the animal to stand to its full height, stretch out, turn around, lie down, and make normal postural adjustments comfortably. Animals must be removed from such confines for adequate exercise.
- Each animal, excluding small mammals, primarily confined in a cage/pen must have a floor space of 1.33 square feet per inch of the length of the animal measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, per animal. For example: One dog measuring thirty-six (36) inches in length must have a floor space of forty-eight (48) square feet. (36" X 1.33 sq. feet = 48 sq. ft). Domestic animals housed together should be socially compatible. The floor of the housing area must be solid, meaning the floor must be constructed from solid materials or the ground itself.
- Cats primarily confined in cages shall be provided with litter pans and litter material which shall be cleaned regularly as necessary to prevent odor and accumulation of urine and fecal matter and provide comfort for the cat.
- Small mammals and rodents, such as guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, etc, which are primarily housed in cages shall have a sufficient amount of room for foraging activities, exercise, etc. to maintain a good physical condition.
- Animals shall be afforded proper grooming of the fur, hoof, claw, nail, tooth, beak and/or any other necessary grooming to maintain their health and comfort.
- An animal shall be afforded proper veterinary care as necessary when an animal is sick, diseased, or injured to prevent unnecessary or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering by the animal. Upon request, proof of veterinary care must be provided to an Animal Control Officer.
State law references: Confined animals; necessary food and water, R.S. 14:102.4.