Public Meetings Start for Flood Ordinance Changes
Friday June 21, 2013 02:37 pm |
The Parish is entering the outreach phase of the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance amendment. The amendments have been developed by the Planning Department to reduce flood risk and insurance rates in the Parish. With the potential increases due to the changes to the Community Rating System and the Biggert-Waters Act, the Parish will need to protect and increase discounts.
Please see the attached flier and press release for details on the meeting dates and sites. Other meetings will occur with industry groups and quasi governmental committees. Future notices will announce those meetings. Please feel welcome to attend any or all of these meetings to hear what the public reaction to the proposed amendments.
Public Meetings Will Be Held Day and Evening Across the Parish:
- Wednesday, June 19 - Noon
Holiday Inn - Houma Rotary Club Lunch
1800 Martin Luther King Blvd., Houma
- Wednesday, June 19 - 6:00 pm
Dulac Community Center -
125 Coast Guard Road, Dulac
- Tuesday, June 25 - Noon
Gibson Elementary School
6357 South Bayou Black Drive, Gibson
- Tuesday, June 25 - 6:00 pm
Montegut Gym
107 Recreation Drive, Montegut
The Dulac Community Center kindly will provide a community dinner to encourage participation in their community. Bayou Grace has generously allowed us to take advantage of their community dinner series as well for the Montegut presentation. The Houma Rotary Club has opened their club luncheon to the public where lunch will be available for purchase if desired. BISCO has offered to help in the recruitment for all of the meetings. The community has been very open to providing venues for public input and participation.
A powerpoint presentation will be available on the website next week. An online survey tool and comment tool will also be active next week for those who can't attend a
Please call if you have questions, suggestions or concerns.
Related Information
Flier for Meetings
Press Release