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Severe Repetitive Loss and Repetitive Loss Property Application Opening

Wednesday July 19, 2017 11:23 am

Severe Repetitive Loss and Repetitive Loss Property Application Opening

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Terrebonne Parish announces that it is accepting applications for elevation, relocation, demolition, and demolition reconstruction for Severe Repetitive Loss and Repetitive Loss properties.  This is a nationally competitive application, but the Parish has been successful in competing in the past and is optimistic that the programs will be awarded funding again.  FEMA has announced a record $250M available through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs, and the Parish hopes to help as many people as possible.  $90M is available for SRL and RL properties, and $160M is available for Community Flood Mitigation Projects between the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Predisaster Mitigation (PDM) grant programs. 

Programs for Individual Applicants

The applications for Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) and Predisaster Mitigation (PDM) grant programs will open officially on August 14, 2017.  The Parish will accept applications from individuals through September 15th, 2017.  Eligible properties will receive an invitation through the mail if the insurance company address is correct. 

FEMA determines which structures are eligible to apply for funding. 

FEMA designates properties as Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) properties if the insurance policy holder has:

            a. Made two or more flood claims that combined are in excess of 100% the structure value; or

            b. Made 4 claims of at least $5,000, including two within in a 10-year period.

SRL applicants can receive up to 100% funding for the project.

A repetitive loss property, for the purposes of these grants, has been damages greater than 50% of the value of the property by two or more storms.  Repetitive Loss properties owners will be required to provide 25% of the total project cost, while the federal grant, if awarded, covers 75%.

The Parish will consider acquiring properties that are outside the Morganza to the Gulf footprint, but not those within the footprint. 

Structures in the V zone are not eligible for the demolition rebuild option, but can elevate, demolish, or relocate outside the floodplain with the FEMA grant funds.

Parish Projects

Community Flood Mitigation Projects are eligible this year for implementing proven techniques that integrate cost effective natural floodplain restoration solutions and improvements to NFIP-insured properties that benefits communities with high participation and favorable standing in the NFIP.   Terrebonne meets the criteria and will be submitting the Living Mitigation Terraces project proposed for above Lake Boudreaux, the Petit Caillou Pump Station and Conveyance Channel project, and the Oyster Bed Surge Protection System for Lakes Chien and Tambour.  Each of these projects is in some stage of engineering and could move forward quickly if funded.  Up to $10M is available for each project under FMA and $4M under PDM.    Any one Parish is limited to $15M of the PDM funds in any given year and the state may limit the number of projects proposed by any one Parish.                                           For inquiries, call 873-6565.