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News and Announcements

News and Announcements

RSS Feeds Displaying 61 to 80 of 100 articles posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning.

Upcoming Steering Committee/Hazard Mitigation Plan Meetings Dec. 3 and 10

12/03/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, at the direction of Parish President Gordon E. Dove, and with the support of the Parish Council, is updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. This will be the...

Steering Committee/Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 Meeting to be Held Nov. 15

11/14/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, at the direction of Parish President Gordon E. Dove and with the support of the Parish Council, is updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. There will b...

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 Meeting to be Held Nov. 12

11/08/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government is updating the parish’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The next meeting will from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at the Bayou Terrebonne Water...

Steering Committee/Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 Meeting to be Held Nov. 5

10/30/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, at the direction of Parish President Gordon E. Dove and with the support of the Parish Council, is updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. There will be a s...

Hazard Mitigation Plan Update 2020 Meeting to be Held Tuesday, October 29

10/22/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government, at the Direction of Parish President Gordon E. Dove and with the support of the Parish Council, is updating the Parish's Hazard Mitigation Plan....

$410M in FEMA Flood Mitigation and Predisaster Mitigation Funding Announced.

10/21/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

$410M in FEMA Flood Mitigation and Predisaster Mitigation Funding Announced. Severe Repetitive Loss and Repetitive Loss Property Application Opening Terrebonne Parish announces that it is accept...

Building Back Safer for Resilience

07/15/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

For those who had damage from the recent storm Barry, when building back, this is an opportunity to consider how to build back safer and stronger.  See the attachments for funding that may b...

Trouble with a Flood Insurance Claim?

07/15/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Trouble with a Flood Insurance Claim? Getting the run around for an ICC Claim? Reach Out to Flood Insurance Advocate’s Office for Help Having trouble getting an answer on a flood insura...

Hurricane Season Preparations #3 - Kids!

06/25/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

FloodSafe Minute Hurricane Season Preparations. Third Installment   Kids need to be prepared for storm season by making a plan just like adults.  The Governor’s Office of H...

Hurricane Season Preparations

06/13/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

FloodSafe Minute Hurricane Season Preparations. Second Installment   Storm season is here, and while many of us have faced it before, it is a good time to look into our preparation an...

Get Flood Insurance Now for Grants

06/06/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Get Flood Insurance Now - Prepare for Grant Opportunities Storm Season is Here, and Flood Insurance has a 30-Day Wait Period Terrebonne Parish is often under a threat from a natural or manmade f...

Hurricane Season Prep - Installment #1

06/04/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

FloodSafe Minute Hurricane Season Preparations. First Installment As we prepare for hurricane season, we are also facing threats from other flooding both manmade and natural.  This is th...

A Note from the President about Flood Insurance

05/09/2019 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Please see the attached note from the President. ...

SBA Mitigation Loans Can Help Reduce Risk

11/07/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

SBA Mitigation Loans Can Help Reduce Risk Even as we apply for 100% grants for Severe Repetitive Loss properties and 90% for Repetitive Loss/Substantially Damaged properties, those don’t assi...

The IRS Weighs in on Storm Preparedness Providing Tips and Tools for Prep and Recovery

09/11/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

The IRS Weighs in on Storm Preparedness Providing Tips and Tools for Prep and Recovery

RAMP Recommends Reviewing the Flood Insurance Guide

08/29/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Flood insurance guide By Posted : August 28, 2017 lightly amended by RAMP. Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States. It's also the most expensive, cost...

Building Back - Buyout Properties for Sale

07/25/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Building Back – Buyout Properties for Sale The properties bought with CDBG grant funds from Hurricanes Gustav and Ike are being sold August 11th without reserve.  The parish purchased th...

Businesses are the Backbone of Recovery - Get a Plan

06/05/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Businesses are the Backbone of Recovery FEMA Booklet Provides Survival Plan Guidance for all Disasters The SBA provides a series of checklists and toolkits. Though we generally focus this tim...

Business Checklist for Hurricane Safety

05/23/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

Business Checklist for Hurricane Safety Provided by the National Hurricane Survival Initiative Hurricane Preparedness Week may be over, but the season is just about to start.  A disturbance...

New Study Shows that Mitigation Can Provide $6 Benefit for Every $1 Spent

05/14/2018 Posted to Recovery Assistance & Mitigation Planning  

New Study Shows that Mitigation Can Provide $6 Benefit for Every $1 Spent Flood mitigation goes beyond dollars and cents The benefits of mitigation cannot be overstated. Community leaders a...