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Parish Council


Terrebonne Parish Council Staff

The staff of the Terrebonne Parish Council, as authorized by Section 2-10 of the Home Rule Charter, currently consists of Mrs. Tammy E. Triggs, Council Clerk, Mr. Keith Hampton, Assistant Council Clerk, Mrs. Charlie Howard, Sr. Minute Clerk, and Mrs. Elisha Smith, Minute Clerk. These individuals comprise the staff for the Legislative Branch of the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government.

The main function of the Council Staff is to aid and assist the Council Members as its support system. Duties of the individuals on the Staff include preparation of all agendas for Council meetings; send notices to elected officials, the news media and other interested parties; compose, index and record minutes of all meetings. Other duties include assist Council Members with drafting correspondence, speeches, resolutions and ordinances; obtain information, including those of a financial nature, for Council Members on issues being addressed by the governing body; and help the general public with questions or issues relating to local government and those topics under consideration by the Council, and researching past actions taken by the governing authorities of the Parish.

The Council Staff maintains a file of all minutes of the Terrebonne Parish Council, the Terrebonne Parish Police Jury and the Houma Board of Aldermen, the first book of which is dated 1822, and an index to the minutes categorized by subject. The staff also uploads agendas, support information, and minutes of meetings onto the Parish’s website, processes the minutes for publication in the official journal, and maintains an electronic correspondence file of all documents pertaining to the local governing authority, as well as an up-to-date list of all boards and committees appointed by the Parish Government.

Council Clerk Tammy Triggs can be reached by email at

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