Information Technology

Manager Benjamin H. Smith, Jr.


Development Section

Our Mission

Provide high-quality and innovative software solutions to end-users by consistently seeking out cutting-edge technology using the latest platforms available.

Our Services

Consultation, design, program development and maintenance, user training, problem-solving, graphic design, and software documentation. Most applications for the Parish and user agencies are developed in-house. Our software developers design additions and changes to enhance the applications as needed, and our technical writers create and edit the manuals to ensure the applications are used as intended.


  • financials for TPCG and Consolidated Waterworks
  • payroll for TPCG, Clerk of Court, Consolidated Waterworks, and Sheriff's Office
  • electric and gas billing, licenses, and culvert permits for TPCG
  • water, sewer, garbage, and mosquito abatement billing for Consolidated Waterworks
  • sales and use taxes, hotel/motel taxes, and occupational licenses for Sales & Use Tax Office
  • workers' compensation and insurance claims for TPCG
  • bonds, fines, and insurance permits for Sheriff's Office
  • housing rehab, electronic bid approvals, and electronic form approvals for TPCG

TPCG websites and applications

Documentation, forms, and graphics

  • user manuals for all developed applications
  • checks, deposit stubs, forms, and invoices to eliminate use of preprinted forms
  • departmental flyers and brochures
  • departmental logos
  • Facebook and project graphical campaigns
  • TPTV graphics



  • (985) 873-6483

Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Physical Address

  • City Hall
  • 7868 Main Street
  • Houma, LA 70360

Mailing Address

  • 7868 Main Street
  • Houma, LA 70360
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