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Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government


Terrebonne Parish Mosquito Awareness Reminder And Protection

Wednesday April 29, 2015 01:31 pm - 4161 Views - Posted By Vegetation
Terrebonne Parish Mosquito Awareness Reminder And Protection

“Recent heavy rains and warmer temperatures brings increased mosquito activity”
2015 has the potential to be an above normal year for mosquito activity. This springs heavy rains and warmer temperatures have increased the abundance of mosquitoes across Louisiana. These events are providing a perfect scenario for mosquito hatch-offs.
Generally, rainfall amounts combined with warmer temperatures have a great impact on whether large numbers of mosquitoes will be prevalent in any given year, and this springs recent heavy rains are allowing for prime mosquito breeding. Jessie Boudreaux with Cajun Mosquito Control, LLC stated, “We are seeing increased mosquito proliferation in both Terrebonne and St. Martin Parishes at this time”.
ULV Mosquito Truck spraying commenced in areas of increased adult mosquito concentrations, and aquatic juvenile mosquito control operations continue throughout the Parish, weather permitting.
We would like to remind residents to please do their part by removing standing water around homes and businesses. Take a proactive approach by draining unused swimming pools, cleaning gutters, bird baths, pet water bowls and remove any other containers that may hold water; mosquitoes need water to reproduce.
It’s still early in the year for arboviral activity and to date no confirmed West Nile virus activity has occurred in Terrebonne Parish. But, residents must constantly remember to protect oneself from mosquito bites. If you must be outdoors avoid risk associated with mosquito bites by applying insect repellent, “CDC recommends DEET based products”, wear light colored long sleeve shirts / pants and avoid peak mosquito activity times of dusk and dawn.
If anyone has a problem with mosquito related issues they can call us at: 879-3677 Cajun Mosquito Control, LLC or go to our website @ and email a spray request or question.
Sincerely, Jessie Boudreaux, Jr.

Additional Information


Hours of Operation

  • Monday thru Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

  • P. O. Box 2768
  • Houma, LA 70361
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