Good Earth Transit will no longer run on weekends or holidays As of May 3, 2021, the Good Earth Transit will no longer run on weekends or holidays in Terrebonne Parish. This includes paratransit service. Read More..
Debido a la falta de mano de obra a partir de 3 de mayo de 2021 no seremos funcionando los fines de semana o festivos hasta nuevo aviso. Esto INCLUYE el servicio de paratrĂ¡nsito. leer mas..
Route Colors
Each route is depicted in a different color. To know when to catch the bus, check the bus time schedule below. Good Earth Transit buses are not assigned exact times at every stop. The times depicted are at the ends of the routes. From these times you can estimate when the bus will get to your stop.
Weekday and weekend schedules as well as maps are included in the routes above.
First, find the route closest to where you are, then see if where you want to go is located on the same route. If it isn't, you will need to transfer to a different route. Transferring is simple. Stay on the bus until it reaches the Bus Transfer Terminal, located at the corner of Main Street and Barataria Avenue. You may now board the bus which will take you to your final destination.
The following documents are provided for your assistance: