SELECT _section_title, title, url, request_module, request_page, request_query, _menu_new_window
SELECT module_id AS _module_id, id AS _section_id, title AS _section_title, sort_order AS _section_sort_order
FROM Navigation_Menu
WHERE parent_id IS NULL AND show_on_internet=1
) AS _SectionListing
SELECT parent_id AS _section_id, title, url, module_name AS request_module, request_page, is_new_window as _menu_new_window,
request_query, sort_order AS _menu_sort_order
FROM Navigation_Menu
LEFT JOIN Navigation_Module ON Navigation_Module.module_id=request_module
WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL AND show_on_internet=1
AND parent_id in (258)
) AS _MenuListing ON _SectionListing._section_id=_MenuListing._section_id
WHERE _module_id=41 and title is NOT NULL
ORDER BY _section_sort_order, _menu_sort_order