Safety Tip
If You Smell Gas
If you smell natural gas, LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY and tell others to leave too!
Natural gas in its raw state has no odor; that is why we add a "rotten egg" odor to help you identify natural gas. Natural gas should be used wisely and safely.
If you notice an odor of natural gas indoors at any time of the day or night:
- LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY! If you are indoors, get out of the house and tell others to leave; leave the door open as you exit.
- Do not do anything that could cause a spark!
- Do not turn on or off any lights
- Do not turn on or off any electric switch
- Do not use your telephone, cellular phone, garage door opener, or even a flashlight
- Do not smoke, use a lighter, or strike a match
- Do not re-enter until gas employee has declared it safe to do so.
- After you leave the building, call us from a phone outside the smell of gas. All TPCG customers call 985-873-6750 or 911, or non-customers call your gas service.